We jumped at the chance to review For the Temple, which is the newest adventure from Heirloom Audio. These audio theater adventures are deep enough for the whole family to enjoy, but also engaging enough for the younger kids to follow. Armed with the provided study guide, we traveled back in time to the first century to follow along with the Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty.
Quality of For the Temple
If you haven’t listened to any audio theater productions from Heirloom Audio, then you’re in for a treat with For the Temple. You might be picturing a vintage-style listening experience, but this audio drama is high quality. When you check out the voice talent for this production, you will see professionals from Star Wars, Downton Abbey, and Beauty and the Beast fame. This isn’t a childish production at all!
Superb storytelling draws the listener in. For the Temple illustrates big themes like God’s justice and His sovereignty over the plan of Redemption. John comes to see that the destruction of the Old Covenant Temple now makes a way for Jewish converts of “the Way” to have a new relationship with God through Christ. Biblical imagery and themes run throughout this production.
My fifth grader was delighted to hear Nicodemus in the storyline and it connected these events with real Biblical events in his mind. This is important for our kids to see that biblical history is actually simply history. Many times we think of it in a vacuum, but stories like For the Temple remind us that the events of the Bible happened in real space and time, with real historical people.
How to Use the Study Guide
I love listening to these dramas just to enjoy them as-is! But if you’re looking to expand your family’s discussion and understanding of the plot and larger biblical themes, then the study guide will give you more than enough material for that purpose.
Each track of the audio has a complete page of related study guide content:
- Listening Well: Basic comprehension questions relating to the plot
- Thinking Further: Analysis and making connections with biblical themes. Many Scripture references are included here.
- Defining Words: Vocabulary taken from the story to help with learning words in context
The study guide also included interesting additional information about important people (Josephus), places (the Flavian Ampitheatre), and events (the Siege of Jerusalem).
We used some of the study guide questions to review the plot. Then, my fifth grader looked up several Defining Words from each section as his vocabulary/spelling assignment for the week.
For the Temple is right for you if:
- a Christian worldview is important
- you want your kids to see how biblical prophecy was fulfilled
- you’re studying the first century in your history studies
- the Roman Empire is a theme in your history curriculum
- you want a creative way to teach your kids about plot
- Mom needs a break from the read-alouds
- the whole family is looking for an engaging story to enjoy
- you need something educational for the kids to listen to in the car
- grandparents are looking for an educational gift to buy your kids
But don’t take my word for it! Check out the other reviews of the Homeschool Review Crew.