I recently shared my curriculum choices for my three middle schoolers. A few friends asked to see a sample schedule of how this would all flesh out. What a great request! It was helpful for me to map out what a sample day might look like with this particular pile of curriculum. We are not rigidly structured with certain subjects… Read More
Homeschool Bible
Here are resources, ideas, and curriculum for teaching Bible in your homeschool. Check out our Inductive Bible Study Courses to help your kids learn how to deep dive into the Word!
Homeschool Curriculum for Middle School
Does the middle school stage make your knees buckle and your brow break out in a sweat? Don’t feel overwhelmed! You can do this! The middle school stage is full of possibility. With three boys in middle school right now, I can tell that they are moving past the foundational grammar stage of their education, and gaining some increased reasoning, critical… Read More
Homeschool Curriculum for 7th Grade
Where has the time gone? Seven years ago when my oldest was in kindergarten and I had two toddlers and a baby in tow, I seriously wondered how I would manage life let alone homeschool. Fast-forward to this year, and I am amazed how well things are flowing. Those early years are very mommy-intensive. We are now enjoying the middle… Read More
Homeschool Curriculum Combined Subjects {Grades 7, 6, 5 & 2}
Fresh start. Sharpened pencils. New year — bring it on! Today I’m sharing our homeschool plan for the year. I’ve never done this before. Why in the world would I want to? I think it comes down to encouragement & inspiration –> you can do this! I can’t tell you how many homeschool blogs I visited in the early years… Read More