My fifth grader was able to try out an online subscription to Maths Invaders Online and Typing Tournament Online from EdAlive. Here’s what you can expect from this online typing tutor and math games provider.

About Maths Invaders Online
Maths Invaders Online is a hands-on gaming approach to practicing and retaining math facts.
It covers these topics:
- counting
- adding & subtracting
- multiplication & division
- fractions & percentages
- numeration
- square roots & powers
- decimals & directed numbers
Math concepts cover computational skills from first through tenth grades. While the content does go into high school level, my high schoolers didn’t want to play a math game online. So in that sense, I think it’s a better fit for elementary through middle school.
My fifth grader felt like this program was at a good spot for him where he could start at a level that he was comfortable with, and there were enough levels to challenge him to work up to.
Once your child has completed a section, you will see a full report highlighting areas that need work. You can find these stats on the “Report” from the main Maths Invaders screen, then click on “Example Questions” from the section your child has completed.
This is especially valuable for homeschool parents, because you can then use this information to do a quick math lesson with your child and focus on areas of weakness before they move on.

There are also printable worksheets for each lesson, so you have unlimited practice opportunities both in print and online.

Here is an example from a high level on the site. You can tell how quickly the correct recall is required to pass these levels.

About Typing Tournament Online
Back in the day when I was in high school learning to type, it was very dry, boring, and business-oriented.
Now that typing skills are being taught at younger ages, our kids are drawn to more imaginative and entertaining methods. This is where the Typing Tournament Online shines.
Produced in a medieval tournament theme, this interactive program is great for ages 6 to adult. You can be a complete beginner or not, because this program allows you to start at your level and progress at your own pace.

Your kids will think they’re playing instead of learning a valuable skill as they progress through the humorous and educational typing games and contests.
Each level progresses as “traditional” typing curriculums do through the home row keys and onward, concentrating on about 4 focus keys in each level.

My son had already learned how to type in our homeschool, and at first we didn’t realize you could bypass the beginning sections to start where he really needed more practice.
In Typing Tournament Online, your students can be absolute beginners, or intermediate typists are encouraged to set their own goal and begin at any point in the tutorial as long as they have the prerequisite skills for that level.

What kinds of goals can your kids set for themselves?
- Speed
- Accuracy
At any point, your kids can go back and readjust these goals so as not to unnecessarily become frustrated, but also to keep them stretching themselves without getting bored.

You can view progress at any time, with the reports showing WPM, accuracy, and the specific keys giving your kids trouble.
Each lesson introduces the new keys, includes 3 drills, then three games and a final test to pass on to the next level.

This online program is wonderful for visual learners who need to see themselves reaching a goal and it’s also a good fit for kids who love a challenge and get pulled into a storyline. It helps a sometimes “dry” subject like typing to feel fun.

This model will curb normal typing frustration among young kids because it won’t progress until satisfactory mastery of the current set of keys is met. With only four new keys per lesson, this program walks students through manageable expectations – and remember, they can adjust their goals at any time!
If your child has not learned to type yet, the Typing Tournament Online is an engaging format for elementary aged kids to learn. Once your child is in middle school, it would totally depend on their personality whether or not this is a good fit. The more mature kids would probably take a pass.
If your child has learned to type, but needs a refresher course or more of a challenge or even the opportunity to set personal goals and meet them, then the Typing Tournament Online would be a good fit.
Maths Invaders Online is a great tool for elementary aged to middle school kids who want a fun way to challenge themselves to improve in math computation.
From the Report section on the Maths Invaders site, you can also click on “Print Worksheets” and have some written math review for your kids based on the level they’re working on.

You can even try out a mini-game on the Maths Invaders Online home page.

Read more reviews from the Homeschool Review Crew.