Are you curious about the inductive Bible study method but still not sure you want to jump in with a big commitment? Then these Psalm 1 Bible study options are for you! Your kids can do a little wading into the shallow end of the inductive method before diving deep into a whole book study. Here’s what to expect.
Free Inductive Bible Study Samples

Why Inductive Bible Studies?
If you’re looking for a Bible resource that does more than retell the Bible stories and offer coloring pages, then you’ve come to the right place!
I’ve heard from so many homeschool moms about their trouble with finding a curriculum that teaches kids how to study the Bible.
They want a Word-driven resource instead of offering their kids more fluff and devotional thoughts.
They want to use the Bible itself as the main book instead of a “Bible textbook” written for a classroom.
“I would love to see an inductive Bible study resource for homeschoolers!“
“This would fill a HUGE gap.“
Inductive Bible studies dig into the actual text of Scripture, taking students through three steps and asking these questions of the text:
- Observation: What does the text say?
- Interpretation: What does the text mean?
- Application: How should this change me?
The inductive method is excellent for so many learning styles. It encourages visual, kinesthetic, and auditory learners in its approach to studying the Bible.
Finally, the inductive method supports active learning!
Little Fishes Bible Study for Grades K-4
When we first sent our Psalm 1 study to about 100 families to try out for the first time, we had a lot of interesting feedback. Many of the younger kids wanted to participate too.
But the materials created for grades 5-12 was just too overwhelming for the littles.
And we get it!
But the interesting thing about kids is that they are capable of studying the text of the Bible just as much as teens are.
How many times do we belittle them and think that they can only handle the cute Bible stories with coloring pages?
Yes, we want our younger kids to know the chronological storyline of the Bible. Yes, we want them to learn how all these stories fit together into the overarching storyline of the whole Bible.
But we don’t want to stop there!
We want to give our kids – yes, even the young ones – the tools to read and study the Bible text for themselves and understand what it means.
So, we created Little Fishes Bible Study materials for kids that are reading, in approximately kindergarten through fourth grade.

If your older kids are completing an Inductive Bible study, your kids in K-4 will be able to follow along with an inductive study at their level.
Self Study Workbook for Grades 5-12
Your middle school and high school kids will be ready to dive into the Self Study Workbook that walks them step-by-step through an inductive study of Psalm 1.
We decided that Psalm 1 provided a short yet meaty section of Scripture that could be used to learn the inductive method of study.
In so many devotional-type studies that we give our teens, a few verses are referenced and then the writer immediately jumps into application. But we can’t rightly apply Scripture until we learn that crucial second step of interpretation.
So, in this inductive study through Psalm 1, your student will learn how to mark the text for the purpose of understanding what the text means and how it applies to them.
If you’re not familiar with marking the text, here’s a short video explanation.
Video Lesson + Self Study Workbook Bundle for Grades 5-12
Some kids and adults are visual learners and really could use a video format to learn how to study inductively through a passage.
This is where the video lesson comes in. When you purchase access to the video lesson you also get the self study workbook. This allows you to choose the best possible teaching style for your student.

The video walks the student step-by-step through the passage while marking up the text. Your student is given instructions and is told to pause the video while they complete the step on their own. Once they resume the video, they are able to check their work.
Here’s a sample of the Psalm 1 video lesson.
Whole Family Bundle
And if the whole family wants to learn the Inductive Bible study method through the first Psalm, then this bundle is for YOU!
You will get access to these Psalm 1 resources:
- Video lesson (grades 5-12)
- Self Study Workbook (grades 5-12)
- Little Fishes Bible Study (grades K-4)

Once your family learns how to use the inductive method to study Scripture, you can dive into other passages or whole books of the Bible using the tools you learn.
Or, you can use our resources to study through an entire book of the Bible.
Whole Book Inductive Studies
- Book of James
- Book of Jonah
Have you grabbed our FREE resources yet? Click the graphic to find them in our members-only resource library.

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