Need a few quick open & go lessons for homeschool geography? Here are a few that you can use today! Pin this round-up of Homeschool Geography Mini Lessons so that you can find it when you’re having one of those days.

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Geography Mini Lessons
Imports Scavenger Hunt: This lesson includes video clips, tasks for your kids to complete, and discussion questions for the whole family.
Longitude & Latitude Geography Mini-Lesson: After watching video clips showing how these lines work, your kids will be able to practice using their new knowledge with several hands-on activities.
World Maps Mini Lesson: This is a great introduction mini-lesson to the fascinating world of maps and map projections. Several hands-on projects are linked in this post.
The Earth’s Climate Mini Lesson: Climate is an important foundational concept for kids to understand in their study of geography.
Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt >> Grab this one in our members-only resource library.
It’s a one-page visual scavenger hunt printable for your kids. They can use it to check off the items they see in the grocery store.
But if you’d like to extend the learning further, check out the complete Grocery Store Scavenger Hunt Packet!
It started out as a geography & imports themed packet, but I also added activities related to math – like fractions, percents, and figuring price per pound. Other content areas like creative writing & science are also included. Recommended for ages 4-13.
Our Favorite Geography Books
The GeoBear Project
Finally, if you’re looking for a fun hands-on project to span a season or entire school year, then check out The GeoBear Project. Your child can travel the world vicariously through the adventures of a stuffed animal. You can get complete instructions and information HERE.