If you’re in the thick of parenting littles, you’ll love this conversation about gospel-centered parenting and adoption with Katie Lewis, Founder of Dear Mushka. Listen in on our chat and check out the links below.
My posts contain affiliate links.
Welcome to the show notes for Episode #165 of the Homeschool with Moxie podcast!
As a former classroom teacher, now homeschooling mom of five, I love to equip and encourage other homeschooling families.
On the Homeschool with Moxie Podcast our goal is to inspire and encourage you with actionable strategies to take you from overwhelmed to confident in your homeschool adventure. Listen to interviews with amazing influencers in the homeschool world and beyond.
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If you want your educational posters to blend seamlessly into your home decor without sticking out like a sore thumb (hello primary colors!), then check out all the beautiful goodies that Pretty Nerdy Press has to offer. Oh, and use the code 4onemore at checkout for 10% off your order.
About Dear Mushka
Today I’m chatting with homeschooling mama Katie Lewis, Founder of Dear Mushka, a Nashville-based company that pairs jewelry, apparel, and home goods with scripture.
Since 2014, Katie and her husband Robert have been on a mission to help women store God’s truths deep in their heart and equip them to share them with those in need.
Each Dear Mushka piece reflects scripture and comes paired with a corresponding verse card, thoughtfully designed to share hope and truth in a way that feels authentic, doable, and beautiful.
In episode 165 of the podcast, we chat about adoption and gospel-centered parenting and discipleship.
Listen to Episode 165 – Adoption & Gospel-Centered Parenting
Resources for Gospel-Centered Parenting
- Take a look at the Adoption Necklace from Dear Mushka (makes a nice birth mother gift as well)
- Adoption FAQ Part 1: All the Details You Want to Know
- Adoption FAQ Part 2: Adoption Resources
Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches by Russell Moore
Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus by Elyse Fitzpatrick
Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles that can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp
Our Adoption Journey
Many of you know that I started my blog 4onemore as a way to document our international adoption as we were making room 4 one more. Now my content has transitioned over to homeschooling topics, but I still leave my adoption posts up to be a help to any families who are looking for information or inspiration.
Here are some of our personal adoption journey posts that I hope will encourage your faith – whether you’re in an adoption adventure or not!
Here’s the little face that inspired us to start our own adoption journey all those years ago.
Did you hear the scream from Knoebels Amusement Park about 11 days ago?! Well, that was me! On the craziest of craziest of days, with spotty internet access and tired, dirty, happy kids, we got a voicemail from our agency saying to check our email — we have a referral!
“Hurry up and wait” – the Adoption Waiting Room
Introducing our daughter – take a look at a video of us meeting our daughter for the very first time!
What a Difference a Family Makes
God could have plopped down $35,000 in our laps when we stepped out in obedience to His calling on our family to adopt. But instead He mobilized hundreds of friends and family to Just Show Up. Here’s our adoption “Just Show Up” story.
Adoption Ripples – Our choices are far-reaching even though we may not always know who has been touched by them.
If God has called your family to adopt, then don’t let the finances scare you. Once we stepped out in faith, God totally blew us away with His provision. Here are 8 Adoption Fundraiser Ideas listed in order of what worked for us from least to greatest impact.